Portable Raman in Process Development 

Last month, Spectroscopy Magazine published an article written by Thomas Padlo, Applications Scientist, and Dr. Katherine Bakeev, Director of Market and Customer Development, about the versatility of portable Raman in process development. The article focuses on the utility of portable Raman spectroscopy as an excellent tool for in-situ monitoring of reactions using univariate analysis techniques such as peak trending, as well as multivariate analysis approaches to predict the end point of chemical reactions.


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Screening Liquid Milk for Adulterants

The i-Raman® Plus portable Raman spectrometer was recently utilized in an Editor’s Choice article published by the Journal of Dairy Science demonstrating the use of portable Raman in screening liquid milk for adulterants. The portability of the system paired with the reliability and reproducibility of this technique opened opportunities for general, reagentless screening of milk for adulterants at the point of collection.


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TacticID® Grant Funding

B&W Tek has partnered with PoliceGrantsHelp.com and FireGrantsHelp.com to help get the TacticID handheld Raman spectrometer into your hands! Whether you’re just starting your grant project or you’re adding the final touches, a staff of grant consultants will help you assemble a comprehensive package of helpful resources specific to police narcotics identification, explosive detection or hazmat detection. The program offers free grant alerts, grant consulting, custom grant writing services or grant application review. Apply today!


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