Many electrochemical experiments can be performed using an e-corder with Chart, Scope, Echem or PowerChrom software. In addition there are several models of potentiostat
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PowerChrom 280 System
The PowerChrom 280 system comprises PowerChrom software and a PowerChrom ER280 hardware unit. It runs on Windows or Macintosh computers with USB.You can export raw chromatograms (as graphics or tabular data), peak reports, and method and sequence tables, to other graphing software, word processors, and spreadsheets.
Many electrochemical experiments can be performed using an e-corder with Chart, Scope, Echem or PowerChrom software. In addition there are several models of potentiostat
View ProductTethered membranes are planar supported phospholipid bilayers held above a gold electrode by a set of hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains covalently bonded to the gold surface by organic disulfide anchors
View ProducteDAQ products can be used for a variety of research purposes. For application information on eDAQ's data recording equipment, see application notes. For more information contact us direct
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